Working Together

One of the first AMO Programs for children in Tabasco, Mexico, 2015.

As the year ends, we give heartfelt thanks to each of you who read our updates, support us, and pray for Christian education and discipleship in Mexico. A highlight of this year has been the increase in leadership in the AMO Program in Mexico.

AMO trainers have taken on administration. Two trainers helped teach the Chrysalis online course for new trainees from all across Latin America. Others served the same course in grading papers and providing one-on-one mentoring to the trainees. Others began mentoring groups via Zoom for the video training and still others persevered in carrying out trainings in-person.

The Lord uses your support to transform lives. One of our AMO trainers sent the following testimony just this morning.

Testimony from a participant in a recent video training, Beatriz Adriana of Yucatán: “The truth is that I have previously taken several courses to teach children, but I have never been challenged like I have been in the AMO Program. My perspective has been totally changed and I have been in awe of the biblical truths that I learned: the Biblical Principle of Individuality, Christian Self-government, Christian Character, have all amazed me. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to take this course. Truly, my soul needed to hear these life-giving words. This was a real challenge, and I was hesitant at first but now I thank God for every minute I invested. I can now clearly see God’s providential plan in my life.”

Beatriz Adriana: “La verdad anteriormente he tomado varios cursos para enseñar a niños y nunca había sido desafiada como lo ha hecho el programa AMO. Mi perspectiva ha sido totalmente cambiada y me he maravillado con las verdades Bíblicas que aprendí, el principio bíblico de la individualidad, el autogobierno, el carácter cristiano, es asombroso, estoy realmente agradecida por haber tenido la oportunidad de tomar este curso, realmente mi alma necesitaba escuchar palabras de vida. Esto fue un verdadero desafío, sentía temor pero ahora agradezco a Dios por cada minuto invertido y ahora puedo ver claramente el plan providencial de Dios en mi vida.”

Thank you, again, for your crucial part in this important work.

God bless you and yours in the New Year!

Chris, Francelia and the whole team in Mexico

Valuable Lessons!

The November MeXED video conference was a tremendous success. Around two hundred Christian parents and leaders from all around Mexico joined, including a few from other Latin American countries and the United States.

All twelve of our presenters – most from Mexico – were excellent. They first taught us what Providential history is, then gave samples of Mexican history from the Aztecs and Cortez to modern Mexico in the proper context of God’s Providence.

What followed was an explanation of why children flourish with Providential history and wither when subjected to a secular view. Then, an introduction to AMO Program and its Providential history component, with a final session encouraging us to recognize and tell His-story from God’s eternal perspective.

In between sessions, several individuals and couples shared testimonies of the positive changes in their lives and the lives of their children when they taught Providential history. These testimonies alone would have made a great conference!

The impact of all this surprised us. The many comments we received from those who attended indicated how powerfully the sessions ministered to their hearts. Similar events are now in the planning stages.

When we accept that God’s mission of redemption is always advancing through the good and the bad we are propelled forward in faith and encourage others. Individuals, families and entire nations are transformed.

History is always being told by someone. Let us each become God’s historians.

Psalm 78

1 My people, hear my teaching;
listen to the words of my mouth.
2 I will open my mouth with a parable;
I will utter hidden things, things from of old—
3 things we have heard and known,
things our ancestors have told us.
4 We will not hide them from their descendants;
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
his power, and the wonders he has done.