Making Disciples of all Nations

First group taught by new TOT's in Oaxaca

First group taught by new TOT’s in Oaxaca

By Chris and Francelia McReynolds ~ We are thankful for the excellent work and commitment of the new AMO Trainers of Teachers (TOT’s), of Oaxaca, who trained their first group of parents and church leaders, this past month. This is such an important first-step in reaching the nation with biblical Christian principles that transform individuals, families and the nation.

Wasting no time, Elizabeth, Ely, and Esther, have already begun another training in Oaxaca – the state with the lowest level of education in the nation. Please, pray for them and for Gloria, our TOT based in Mexico City, who is also planning with us AMO® trainings for the coming year.

We ask for your prayers for our 2017 planning and provisions.

With God’s help and yours, we will be facilitating our TOT’s, helping Chrysalis International to train additional TOT’s, and developing vision conferences that create communities more supportive of the children’s AMO Programs. In order for millions of children to, someday, be enrolled in these inspired programs, local churches and communities must have the vision and commitment to support them. Often, Christians in Mexico feel overwhelmed by the terrible things happening around them and throughout the nation, but they are God’s special plan for the healing of their nation.

In addition, we are asking God’s direction for a retreat to help support the TOT’s. Also, pray for our September MeXED conference where various Christian education and discipleship ministries gather for vision, equipping, and strategy. We are also praying for an AMO training in San Antonio, Texas, in cooperation with HIS Bridgebuilders.

We ask a special prayer for the Disciple Nations Alliance training for Latin America, in Panama, this December 5-9. Francelia and I will be taking this training, along with Pastor Amos Cahuich, president of San Pablo Seminary of Mérida, with plans to utilize it for our vision conferences in Mexico and for leadership development. These vision conferences are proving to be very important in helping churches and communities understand the importance and potential of Christian education (AMO) that transforms society and ‘makes disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19).

Thank you, for joining us with your prayers, support, and friendship. Please, call us anytime at (830) 719-5812 or, come and visit us. See our posts at AMO México and, for information on how to send financial support, visit Antioch Partners. Also, contact us to visit your church or group – we’d love to do that.

Thank you, again, and God bless each of you in this Advent season!